FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

Ah yes, obligatory:

Chloegard Chloegard.
It’s not shipping, it’s spite revenge.

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Oh, Italy is a protective who thinks he was RB’d or redirected, huh?

I have a theory as to why the protection failed :upside_down_face:

Wowie, so do I! In fact, I have several!
Such a huge surprise.

I only have a single one that I believe to be likely.

PKR is actually looking somewhat better right now.

Clearly, they’re converted.


Well, PKR’s more of a true null now.

It honestly feels as if he is taking every single opportunity to shade whoever he can.
Although I wouldn’t read into it much since he should be aware that there’s a good chance of him being the lynch today, so none of his reads can be trusted.

Oh wait PKR is softing that he has information of some kind.

I’ll read thread soon™. Currently doing post-game discussion of Anni.

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Have fun nerd.

Who needs subtlety, am I right.

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Hey that’s basically exactly how I treated the people I scumread in CoC.

Massclaim on D2 let’s go.
We have:
-Softing protective;
-Outed investigative;
-Softing investigative;
-3 people who are obviously not in the Prince pool;
-One dead openclaimer.

Who is Wazza FPS’ing a redcheck on?

FPS was on Vulgard.
Forums stopped refreshing again.

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Top tier plays right here!

I keep forgetting you actually played in first CoC even though you mentioned it before.
But you could do it a lot more delicately because anyone can see this coming from a mile away.

Also what.