FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

I think Chloe is fake??

So the focal point here is that, either:
Frostā€™s flip is real and Arete + someone else was tailored.
Areteā€™s flip is right, Frostā€™s flip was tailored and his logs are fake logs.

The question ā€œHowā€ still stands, though.

I mean, going purely on meta and the people that died tonight, from most scummy to least scummy (in my eyes):
Chloe > Wazza > PK > Frostwolf > Arete.

Frost is so high because his scum meta equals to not existing, but Iā€™m not sure if he fixed it.
So under this assumption, Chloeā€™s and Areteā€™s flips would have both be tailored.

If AT was a Fool, Possessor couldā€™ve altered Arete.
But that doesnā€™t explain Chloe.

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What if ATNoName wasnā€™t a Fool?

So what was PKRā€™s visit on Appel on N1, then.

And where did he get the information that PK is K/O ā€“ you think thatā€™s just a pure guess?

But how would he know PKā€™s class typeā€¦?

I raelly donā€™t think he just random guesses.

I donā€™t think Iā€™m committed enough to be mechsolving this.
Or even following the game properly, anymore.

If only they did kill Vulgard Day 2ā€¦

But Napoleon, those last 3 posts were clearly ā€œwritten by townā€!

Reasons for not killing Vulgard:

  • Alone in the thread lol
  • No resistance lol
  • made 3 villagery posts at EoD so letā€™s ignore everything else lol
  • no objective logical arguments why vulgard is wolfgard
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I donā€™t like Katā€™s insistence to leave him and Vulgard alone to resolve that at night.
But I also understand why he could be saying this as town.

Also if Kat is actually the NK (which I suppose is quite possible) that flipped Arete, they are both still dying.

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Couldā€¦ katze have altered Areteā€™s flip?

If Kat is the Possessor ā€“ why not.

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Literally so much could go wrong here, even if katze is Archer.

Yeah and he should know it.
Which is why I think that possessor Kat theory is quite likely.
The key is that his push on Vulgard was genuine, but now he could know that he can flip him as CL no matter what.

Also I love how no one is paying any attention to Wolfgardā€™s logs and Centuriesā€™ failed heal on Chloe.
Instead we are going to mechtown.

Even Frostwolfā€™s logsā€¦

They are even failing at mechtowning :slight_smile:

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I have come to make an announcement.
Hosts are nerds who donā€™t ping players at SoD :^)

Oh look, already trying to ā€œback outā€ and justify Katā€™s town flip.

Except that doesnā€™t work because Frame would make Kat compatible with Cult, Iā€™m pretty sure.
So he should realize it.