FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

Yes but still. So what are your thoughts on PK/PKR?

What about these?


Him admitting that he didnā€™t expect it is a somewhat better look. Like, itā€™s really weak but itā€™s there ā€“ I think heā€™s try to posture as if he knew that the read was fake and pretend that he was trying to make PKR admit it or something.
To the point where heā€™d probably say ā€œSee I knew that read had to be fake.ā€

I can actually see myself agreeing on PKR not being town btw.

I think youā€™re overestimating PK, regardless of alignment.

No, you see.
My logic comes from the fact that newbscum would be extremely self-aware and therefore unwilling to admit that they were tricked.
So theyā€™d try to posture instead.

Also was your readlist even serious.

Of course :pouting_cat: !

L e a f i a
i s
t o w n

And Chloe/PKR are never locktown in any conceivable scenario right now.

Wanna bet on Chlebster/PKR aswell?

Hello Fieri!

why ever follow up anything with -chan, -san, or any other such suffix

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Dont question it Fieri-Sensei

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Because itā€™s fooni.

For me it was a meme pretending to be a weeb and making the target of my ā€˜affectionsā€™ suffer.
Not sure about Jane though.

What are we betting. Also I owe you a readlist, donā€™t I :^)

that is not very gamer


3 compliments to the cult for me, 2 compliments to the Unseen for you :^)

Change that to Neutrals or Iā€™m not agreeing.

Alright. I though youā€™d learned from our last bet, smh.

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Rip Unseen getting compliments lol

I donā€™t sheep Jane :^)

Wolfgard is back :eyes: