FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

He said they are probably distancing so yeah, he did.

I could see where that is coming fromā€¦

I would like to see their evidence though.

Oh hey Frostwolf is alive.

PKR seems happy someone townreads him for once

That TR is undeserved a this stage of the game imo.

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I think PKR is nulltown?

Italy is true null

IDK though my gut tells me Italy and Wolfgard arenā€™t a scumteam

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I think Vulgard is probably trying to WIFOM spew I wouldnā€™t trust much he spews from here on out

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Italy is likely town because he tryhards as a neutral from what I remember.
But yeah, I donā€™t want to judge him yet.

The people I could see as W/W with Vulgard are Chloe/maybe Amelia.
No one else stands out so much.

Also Iā€™m a bit concerned that Soul hasnā€™t posted more yet.

Soul is probably town based off Vulgardā€™s early game spew.

What do you think about PKR?

@anon6348071 @Jane

They seem very happy (you can tell in several of their posts) that they are being townread as it seems to happen rarely (whether it be meta reasons or something else).

Which is why I kinda >rand town that slot

If you look at my readlist heā€™s very low for me, mainly because of posts such as:

Iā€™m not going to read him on how ā€œgenuineā€ he sounds, so far he has more posts that I dislike than I like, to be honest.

I feel like PKR has always posted that way though regardless of alignment?


Thatā€™s what I thought in 62 where he ticked me off but people were saying itā€™s ā€˜normalā€™ so I didnā€™t really look that much into him.
And then he turned out to be the NK, so hell knows.

Well an NKā€™s reads arenā€™t usually ingenuine from the get-go.

Not sure if cursed or blessed.

i enjoy these small spectator groups


Itā€™s definitely 7


gorta is a bit better