FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)


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Yeah, he does.

…and TBE just softed not Prince

I think it’s FPS? I’ll read it soon™ maybe.

“I wanna claim, can I claim?”

The Prince literally did a two part soft before this.
Still, less than ideal.


ATNoName, right?


I’m going to soft Prince in my next FoL game

I’m going to shoot you as an Archer, claim it, then when prompted with the question “why” say that I was RTing you.

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I’m going to soft Vampire Hunter in my next FoL game.

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Why is everyone trying to claim in this game.
Someone stop them.

We should add a claimvig to FoL

Answers to our prayers

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theyve been actin and solvin

It doesn’t feel like you’re particularly interested in solving

Wolfgard Wolfgard Wolfgard


Also Frostwolf:

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Actually this could be a valid theory.

But I’m not convinced this isn’t FPS yet.

Actually kat is converted and they’re :bus:'ing :wolf: :guardsman: !

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Please never do this again.

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:question: :grey_question: :question: :grey_question: :question:

@Napoleon Help me to subdue Jane, they are out of control.

Also Kat says it’s not a RT but still doesn’t hardclaim :^)


:leaves: = :wolf: