FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

yeah exactly

What if AT flip is fake?

Let me check which classes can tailor not only flips but logs too.

I doubt it. Change in flips are done in night and there were no significant pushes to execute him.

He could be Mind Flayer tbh


Congratulations Wolfgard, you arenā€™t top scum anymore.

Youā€™ve been promoted to second top scum :slight_smile:

What if AT was Fool?

Scorned only has flip alteration:

Disguise (Night) - Target player will appear as the chosen class if they are executed tomorrow. - 2 Uses

Mind Flayer can no longer edit the logs unless Iā€™m misreading something.
And hell, even if he was why would he incriminate himself (if you are talking about PKR) or incriminate someone like PKR instead of Arete/Chloe/Kat (if you are talking about PK).
It makes no sense.

Me wanting to tell you everything, but also respecting that you want to be uninformed

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Eh, Iā€™m not going to read this game anymore, sorry guys. (Thereā€™s too many posts for the time I have.)

Is there informed spec chat?

Thisā€¦ is possible.

There isnt.

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Hmm, letā€™s see PKRā€™s defense tomorrow.

AT being the Fool is the most likely theory here to be honest.
Or PKR is the Fool.

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if you ever wanna be informed ping me lol

So I can be informed, but thereā€™s no informed spec chat?


I can DM you stuff if you like, but you know

Lips need to be sealed and stuff out of game.

I wanna be informed as long as I can still stay in this chat (without posting/liking obv).

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Since this is our own spec chat, we could probably get informed on whether Vulgard is a wolf or not if we all agree

I prefer not to but I donā€™t mind it.

Question is how informed do you want to be.