FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

TBE (Ritualist) will heal him

Iā€™m going to be severely disappointed if this is a Cult win.
I thought Iā€™d never say those words, but here we are.

iā€™ll DM you with it

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u can spoil it here idm

Iā€™m not going to spoil something in-thread unless all 3 of you request it

even under spoilers I sometimes mindlessly click the button because button and so iā€™ll DM you nerds things if you want info/spoilers


jane is informed no?

ah they have only classes

Pretty sure they are.
But I want to thank Marshal for being considerate nonetheless.
Nappy I can just DM you myself if you want to.

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alright no worries tell me pls

in DM of course

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Was ATNoName actually town what the fuck?


Yea game is over btw, This will be made Public

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@anon6348071 @Jane

Mind if we go informed now?

Game just ended lol.

Iā€™m fine with it.

@Chloe Make this public please

wait did everyone ok it going public or just ans

this is improtant as it isnā€™t an official sanctioned thread andI want to make sure everyone wishes for this to be public

so uh donā€™t make this public yet chloe