FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Annnnnddd you’re revenant.
Oh no.

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Tech u are seeing what I am seeing correct?

Nerb FK is bound to Brax, we need to kill braxien

No u :ghost:

I’m sheriff I checked frost he came up as unseen.

Vote him

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/vote mth

Scum sided alch

Uhh I was jailed n1 thank you

And that’s relevant to show you are not soulmate of Firekitten because you ae jailed N1, mainly it can’t reach you?

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So? You can get bound to even while in jail it says it in the class cards

And you got scumbaited

It says that the revenent can target people while they are in jail


But it’s not an action, so it can’t be prevented

Yes it is a action you dimwit + you got scum baited

How did I get scum baited, I’m alch siding with bd

On the classcard it says the bounding cant be prevented. So you could be bound, no kills cuz FK guarded you

And he slipped, he said thing like “But I would never have attacked you” after I said I bombed braxien.


No u

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Brax is looking like scum at thus point

Scum + bound :+1:
2 in 1