FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

/Execute scum And bonded by rev

Wofly can you bound to jailed people?

Uhhh he is incredibly toxic and hasnā€™t been mod killed

And tried to get a mod to mod kill me

Btw I claim sheriff and wolfy came up as cult

What do you have to say for yourself :thinking:

So what?5

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Can we not vote anymore guys until we hear from Wham?
Please :expressionless:


There is absoloutely zero reason to be so defensive about it.
I also donā€™t understand why anyone would bother trying to mislynch an Alchemist. I have only one conclusion and that is this: If this flips scum, the modkill was scum. Iā€™ll explain afterwards.

That was a joke.

No it wasnā€™t

Guys am i right? Cause the fol nks im not familar with

Iā€™m a nice NK that can win with town
Let me live

I think I know my own SoH to be fair, luv

Stop angleshooting btw it only makes me want to decide fate execute you more.
Incidentally, should I do that for safety reasons?

No you :frowning:

Hey the others want your target up i rather not be sus then be sus for not having brax exed cause of possible bound

Then do it, decide fate

No we can be reasonable about this guys

I promise not to steal anymore cookies D:

No you shouldnā€™t because I want to speak to WHAM

I gave my last batch to you before you died