FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

they’re a lyncher lmao they have to harm town to win
they’re scum

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I don’t know, I haven’t played enough of your games.

Scum means that your objective directly involves harming town’


I mean atleast they can’t kill at night coff alch coff

Nerbins, actually freaking defend yourself and I might consider it possible that you’re town

That still pisses me off, I still want Braixen to get executed after this. But if you don’t want Alchemist to get free win then fine. I don’t want repeat of FoL11 as well.

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How the fuck can I defend myself at this point?!

First part I agree on. Second not so much :frowning:

I don’t know, explain why Braixen is scum to us?
This has zero town motivation

Give us Top 3 town, Top 3 scum, who you want to convert and kill/bleed.

Add reasons for your choices.

1 scum. Kitten. Am I done here?
2 scum. Braix.
3 scum. Dumb ol’ alchie.

don’t fucking edit messages thank

Kitten is dead

…wow. Have you been paying ANY attention.

I think we need talk with FoL team after this.

About that inactivity.

What inactivity?

No u

Well did you get notification that you got prevented to visit Moleland N2 or not?

I didn’t get one, but Van might have. Let me check.

Why am I scum btw?