FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Nope. For whatever reason, he only showed me Van’s results for his actions.

We don’t have time to change now

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@Wolfy VC?


That’s hammer

Nerbins was executed.

He was…

The Ritualist

There was a note on his body.


“So I am not confused, I will write these logs since cult games are confusing. We have 4 cult. Now 3 because if I get lynched. Was previously Knight (god dammit), and of course was converted last night. Now that I might be dead, there are three cult left. Forgot to take an action the night I was converted since I forgot about this game. I can remember cult members on my own, so I won’t put them here. Also, that would be stupid. While I was knight, Van guarded Rogue N1 and Mole N2. Forgot to guard N3. Was converted that night.”

Day 5 will begin Monday 21st at 9:00pm BST (4:00pm BST)

@Jazz, If you could please close this?


ninja locked

This topic was automatically opened after 32 hours.

@Wolfy its open

:anger: Go back to sleep my child.

(Im to lazy to do the math of when day starts in my time zone ;))

(It’s in two hours)

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(Its day)

(It hasn’t begun yet… Wolf hasn’t posted. Shhh)

(Oh anchors)

The bird began to sing as another beautiful day was about to begin. All of a sudden, a sudden flash of lightning appeared, and a figure walked out. Everyone gawked. The figure let out a laugh.

@Sam17z has risen from the dead.

Everyone looked around the round table, and found out that aside from the newly revived, no one was killed during the night. A chill then was felt by everyone. (The Revenant is still among the living)

Day 5 will end on Friday 25th at 9:50pm BST (4:50pm) CST

You may all begin!

Official countdown

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I know crazy right.

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Who was the person who picked me and not the hunter?

/vote cheesy


Welcome back Sam.
@CheesyKnives what happened last night
@Braixen do not rush too much…