FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Oh so now I have to be anti town and block the prince?


Stop acting like a fool, scum?

Scum list


Mth = scorned

Thatā€™s your defense? You are not convincing.

No trying to be we have been through this before

Canā€™t be bonded cuz I was jailed n1

Canā€™t be scum cuz how would I happen to have logs that contradicted nerbis before they post their logs

Best lynch would be to vote Mth cuz we then find out what PKR and I are

Weā€™ve established yes you can


And you can be scum, you knew Nerb was gonna die and so where you if you didnā€™t bus him, you knew what his logs where thatā€™s why you posted it first

And even if you are not scum you are still immune = bonded by Rev. Any town would want to sacrifice himself to kill Rev

And even, very small chance, you are not cult or bonded, you are still scorned

Wolfy he posted his defense, can we vote now?

yes. the real wolfy approves of you to vote now

I am actually wolfy

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False! I donā€™t love you.
Letā€™s not quickhammer

Guys I said I wasnā€™t going to talk I lied Iā€™m bored


I wish I got a cooler neutral like scorned or fool. Maybe alch for the bombs! I can still try to help with those classes

Well we kinda already decided that this is 1. Bonded by FK (sorry FK)
2. Scum
3. Scorned
4. Bonded by FK AND scum
5. Bonded by FK AND scorned