FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

guys the scorned is obviously Pug

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also idk about who this scorned guy is

if i find him I will beat him up

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So this is not really quick, we have been discussing him for over 2 days now :roll_eyes:

And how am I bonded if I was jailed n1 hmmm?

Rev can bond through jail. /Execute

And swap targets after first bound, itā€™s a day ability so FK could have seen that his first bond was getting lynched so he changed to you

It stays permanently on second bound correct?

So who gets jailed?
Sorry but I CBA this game drains my brain cells

Especially the first bound is going to get lynched but not before you change it before hammer and trial phase happens?

No, it only stays switched if the bonded person dies. If they live, he goes back to his first bond

That answers the question then.

I like to make a point that I answered this question already. If the first bond is executed while rev is in their second, then they will remain in their second

Quick votecount while at school doing photography work after:

Execute: MtheJoker, Moleland
Pardon: No one

7 votes are needed

Who should I invest nextā€¦?

Is it our fellow PKRā€¦

Or our friendly Mole?


Shouldnā€™t be me.
Since Wham should know I am confirmed from how I have spoken

Now I think about it, Rev is currently bonded on me .-.

Its either this or you, sorry to tel ya :roll_eyes:

Bonding to you is a shit more by FK

FKā€™s smart enough to know that you or the Prince is the most obvious person to bound to, so weā€™ll kill them when weā€™re certain Cultā€™s gone.
And even then, Cult are trying to kill you now.

You are not bound.

/exeucte btw, donā€™t quickhammer

Thanks for reassurance.

Youā€™ve been a real comfort.