FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

You could have been first convert afaik

I donā€™t believe him

Nah, they wouldnā€™t because youā€™d have mindbend
nice attempted townslip btw

I wouldnt claim mystic then

wow what a constructive and A M A Z I N G argument

Who else is even alive :thinking:

can we just lynch Frostowlf also Mole weā€™re massclaiming so we can gamesolve

Ah shit yeah

Fuck you and make sense. Thereā€™s 0 reason to believe pkr is not converted. To trust the Game on that is stupid

How many maximum cult could there be alive right now

I think PKR is scum, but the only reason my vote remains off them is because Obs is a pretty townie claim


:b: Die

if you go on a rant about the deference between town and BD I will deathtunnel you

Voted Voters Count/Majority
CheesyKnives Sam17z, Moleland, Insanity 3/6
Insanity Frostwolf 1/6
Icibagel MtheJoker 1/6
PokemonKidRyan Whammerist 1/6
Frostwolf Icibagel 2/6

Youā€™re so freaking weird now .-.

If Cheesy is any kind of scum heā€™s Apostle, and Apostle mindwarps are usually pretty obvious
So we can vote Frost

What did frost claim

he hasnā€™t claimed
vote him with me 4 free townread

/vote Frosstwolf

Please claim