FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Mithras’s Puppet lmao

Sam is kinda an obvious puppet here

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We all know it’s obvious

how salty was he
tell me the juicy info before I deathtunnel you

Or he’s actually revived :thinking:

He’s revived as a puppet and it’s quite obvious

His tone’s a lot more forced now, that’s th long and short of it

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So whats the plan after this?

Sam wasn’t salty in dedchat actually

Also, PKR is definitely scum. There’s no reason to push me instead of Frost or Cheesy. If you wanna give Cheesy a chance, then jail PKR and lynch Frost, but I’m 95% sure Cheesy is scum

Vote Mole.
Wham kills Frost tonight.
You link someone
We party like there is no tomorrow

If I’m cult, when was I converted?

You could easily have been converted N1

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I’m scum?
Awww that’s funny that nobody believes that anymore and you turn to this in your desperation

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Good question , but it would have to be before ur revival if that was the case

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Interesting question…


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And I’ve pushed Frost all game? And wanted Nerbins lynched who was just converted that night (according to his logs)?

PKR i still think you’re scum but honestly I don’t want to lynch you today

lol trusting confirmed scum
lol bussing’s a thing

Anyway I have to get going but I am delighted to have helped a ton here.
It’s time for pride part 2.
I am very excited and wish you all happy cult puppet priest murder

Then why are you trusting him you idiot, lol

Also why are you trusting confirmed scum?

I was gonna say hold up i can conduit but thats not as confirmable

I will link whammer like originally.