FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Then stop ignoring me and interact with me

I can literally prove myself but it seems to you and mole L O V E mislynches for no reason

Or give another night to convert someone using mindbend.

@Icibalus Well sorry about my behavior for being very dissuaded asshole, but we need to solve this game here.


good day

Mindbend doesnt convert wth

I think frost is getting jailedā€¦

We could get rid of the scorned, and let insanity do some fact checking :thinking:

I am the physician, hello!

WE have more important matter than the scorned

Ici no you are a reasonable person :frowning:

Presses X

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Easy phys claim. Ryan, Cheesy, and Frost scum team confirmed

Just going to sit here with my death immunity

Didnā€™t you turn cw or something?

We remove a scum voter, and insanity can confirm Iā€™m not cult :blush:

I will be honestly upset if Sam didnā€™t choose Court Wizard.

No man, I thought Ryan was legit but heā€™s guessing it correctly. Look how he switched from N2 to N3?

Insanity, i forgot. Test of faith + kill ryan please


i just want this day to be over now

Thank you