FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

You literally outed that you have info that indicates who the Prince is. Now as soon as you flip the scumteam will basically know who the Prince is, and it’d be possible for them to guess it.

Instead you should just sit on that info, and only bring it out if the Prince is being suspected.

You’re basically presenting info for the sake of presenting info.


I revealed nothing, I suggest you need to read.

But seeing someone already spilled the beans like moron, I was hoping he should keep quiet.

it’d be helpful if you spoke in a language I could understand that dosen’t just vaguely resemble English

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And besides, you drawing attention to this revelation is still the same level of scuminess. If you see someone outing PRs just sit on the info so the scumteam don’t notice it

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And I’ll listen to my own words and get back to tunneling Poison

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Okay, tunneling to Noble claim you go then.

A scummy af Noble claim that only began to be really sucmmy after Night One when they were converted. So yeah poison is still scum


Would you like a drink to go with that sir

Cue Butler

Still yes, I get where you coming for Cult Game for that case.

How much discussion do you need before I put my vote back on?


Just exe someone already

Alright fine, so you see me as scum, I understand that, but it is confirmed that I am at least was a Noble. I can only really prove I’m still a Noble by voting someone up with my double vote

Poison/Frost/Mthejoker is my current guess for the scumteam, assuming the conversion worked, of course.

I agree that Frost himself looks scummy, so I shall use my vote on him as proof
/vote FrostWolf

So yea

Just exe someone thanks

‘looks’ scummy. Am I the only one who thinks that phrasing is indicating the squid thinks that Frost is a mislynch?

You said yourself that he’s a scumlean, so I’m just following on that info :confused:

try reading for yourself, and don’t give me anything like ‘I can’t scumread’ because you won’t ever be able to if you just sit around wanting other people to play the game for you

I’ve seen absoloutely no motivation from you to actually play the game as town, and I don’t think it’s a lack of motivation in general.

Like I said, I have no info to follow off of this point except that it could be a Cult game