FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Who’s your host :thinking:

Yes no maybe

I’m guessing ici

Yes no maybe


Or insanity :thinking:

Yes no maybe

:cookie: :cookie:

Speaking of which she hasn’t talked at all

It could be Poison this whole time O.O

Yes no maybe

:cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

So are y’all going to help me with that post or nah?

Has insanity given any reason to not be on as much as usual? Otherwise she could be scum, usually she is on much more



What I talked with you but only answer je gave me was yes no maybe

[insert cookie + 1]

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/vote execute

poor contributions and doesn’t give valid reasons on town and scum reads as it contradicts each other.

Kill me then… I dare you


Not teh squid :frowning:

This is not FM, you don’t sacrifice yourself to prove your town. Stop it.

I lose motivation when nobody gives a second thought about their actions

He’s poisoned he will die anyway!

Why would they do that there?

First thing first, I am not a freaking she.

I can’t abandon newb game in forum mafia, I have co-host to do.

And I have 1 Rp game I need to participate in.