FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)


Wait really :roll_eyes: oops

I feel like that was directed at me

Or the squid :thinking:

You’re all acting like sheep and I have no reason to help with that mentality

Wow bro, never thought about RVS and you didn’t realize that? No wonder we don’t believe you.

Well maybe he woulda if you helped him get better :thinking:

I’ve been dropped into this game like a newborn child and everyone’s blaming me for having a lack of experience… kinda funny isn’t it?


But that’s why you are getting tested in how you responds?

Well maybe if you TAUGHT US

we would get better.

Instead you are pushing at him expecting him to come up with a great defence

I have my opening statement with the reason why I’m not scum and you just push it aside… that’s all I can do

Shrugging off, really?


I see no teaching I just see someone pushing him off a cliff


Do I like I like to give free info to neutral killer? Yeah no.

I can’t do reads as good as everyone else, I’m not Ici


I didn’t ask to be a better NK

I asked to be a better townie when I am one

I never asked this time who’s the prince

So if you were scum and who like to kill, it’s not on the top scum reads.



Scum can’t kill themselves, I would assume the scum would be on the same team as I am

They can


Not that kind of scum :confused: