FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I want advice too tbh

Hey I wasnt that experienced either on second Forum of Lies game but I picked it up when Orange debbed me as Invoker that is about to be sacrificed to kill somebodyā€¦who I happen to heal him.

So we let him go is one of the BIGGEST mistakes ever in the history because he said he isnā€™t going to be threat and tell us to vote someone instead, a Fool.

Oh my fucking god Iā€™ve given it you MULTIPLE TIMES and you continue to stay fucking ignorant

And orange put the prince locked himself in the dungeon ._.

(and the possessor canā€™t die on jail)

How do you ISO someone?

I have no motivation to defend myself if youā€™re still going to treat me like a piece of shit for not knowing anything

Will u talk to me in dead chat?

I donā€™t even think Iā€™ll be motivated to play for the rest of the tournament if this is how everyone acts around me

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Whatā€™s the point if youā€™re punished for being new?


The third game will also be a lot more fun!

You: ā€œYou arenā€™t helping me and Iā€™m newā€
Us: proceeds to explain whatā€™s up to you
You: ā€œQuit being rude to me, Iā€™m just newā€
Us: proceeds to show you that weā€™re trying to help you
You: ā€œI guess I donā€™t even need to tryā€
Us: ā€œFine then lolā€
You: ā€œYou arenā€™t helping me and Iā€™m newā€¦ā€

Quite the vicious cycle, lol

Itā€™s not so obvious, ya know? I canā€™t read you like an open book

We know you claimed Noble and CheesyKnives confirmed he canā€™t vote. You put Pull Rank on me who may confirm sometime later this day.

But the abilities alone at least for Noble isnā€™t enough to prove you are BD, Poisoned. Ever heard of Friend yesterday, Enemy today? That action that carried over to Cheesy may seem we can conclude we got Noble in this game however whatā€™s the follow-up? Are you converted? Are you not converted? Do you have town reads or scum reads? How do you respond when you get voted up? How do you plead? Do you consider what you have said?

You viewing us with wrong perspective that we voted you for no reason other than the sheeping and ignoring your claim because these parts are not true.

Inexperienced or not, people wanted to test you not because you are new but they wanted you to scumslip the words that contradicts the action made by other players.

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I am just here to learn

I donā€™t know these things, Frost. Iā€™m here to learn as well and nobody explains that shit except for a few people.

Why do I feel the need to help as NK


Ok but then LISTEN when we explain
If you just ignore it and continue to blame others for your mistakes, less people are going to explain shit to you lol

Squid I came here for reasons such as

2.Return of the blue dragon
3.Seemed fun

Then I trust you to not push on meā€¦ okay? Cause Iā€™m not Sherlock Holmes