FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I actually suck at FM.

No thatā€™s LITERALLY the opposite of how anything works
Just because you are new doesnā€™t seem you arenā€™t evil - if you are Town, the burden falls upon YOU to contribute

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Iā€™m not useful unless you allow me to be useful

We can help you and show you how to best contribute, but we canā€™t force you into contributing

Iā€™d actually prefer a joker Lynch, but thereā€™s so far been zero reason to pardon

@Wolfy do I get points for acting pro BD so they donā€™t expect me of being NK or nah

Mole Squid Wham scumteam activate?

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It makes sense because x y and z

Alright, Iā€™ve caught up and weā€™re likely to execute this.
So letā€™s just use all the time we can for discussion.
Might as well not waste a day, right?

I have no motivation to be pardoned anyway, so go ahead

The first time I played I tried that

It doesnā€™t work well tbh

Tbf I still won and wasnā€™t lynched but that is beside the point

Makes you a policy lynch.
Like literally if we have no leads or reasoning, weā€™d get rid of Fire.

Not actually

I havenā€™t been policy lynch

I was lynched twice and that was only when I was caught lol

Thatā€™s only as weā€™ve had reasoning so far to vote someone else early recently.
If we get nothing, youā€™re likely on the chopping block

lol Wut mister?

Vote me I dare you

Plz donā€™t tell me pkr hasnā€™t been paying attention


Try threating me again when I am dead

I already know youā€™re revenant :expressionless: Iā€™m not that foolish, thanks.
Iā€™m speaking about future games.