FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I’m more sure frost is scum, but I doubt I can convince anyone to Lynch there :thinking:

Im more upset that I can’t actually try to help scum read.

I wanna try it!

you can try but don’t expect us to listen

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I wasn’t even going to try.

It goes against me winning -Shrug-

But better idea

Vote no lunch

Ghost don’t need to eat anyway

My phone battery just jumped from 7 to 1 Wut?

Top 10 Anime Plot Twists


This is why you should go android :wink:

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My phone likes doing that too

The problem is your scumreading is scheisse.

@Moleland You simply jump on the frost!scum wagon but you have no proof.

I’m right I know.

Neuts claim now!

No, we simply ignore you for being manipulative witch.

Rude I am a ghost

My come back to being a witch

No u



I’ve been quiet as I don’t have any leads at the moment.


Are you ok?