FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

The sun has risen and everyone made it to the court room. But there was one person missing from the great chambers. A few minutes kater, a guard walks down with a body in his arms.

Firekitten has been killed. A deathnote was left on him.



He was the...

Before anything could be announced, a massive chill was felt into the court, with what could be described as a chilling laughter.
"You will never find me..."
(Lookout lookout, theres a Revenant about).


@Moleland has taken the spot of Damafaud
@rogue has taken the spot of Jabub.

@tbone30 has to make a post within 16 hours, or he will be replaced out of the game.

It is now Day 2. The day will end on Wednesday 9th May at 8:00pm BST (3PM CST).

Majority for trial today is 9.

(Fire’s initial class was The Spirtualist )

Official countdown

Hi guys

Morning guys slept peacefully


I died

Is there an actual flip help I’m confused can I make an atrocious RVS vote now also I slept peacefully.



I’ll do the flip properly just for you my king =3


Where’s my logs :frowning:

Remember the ‘all posts must actually have some substantial content or at least the memes contained within them must please me with how eleborate they are’ law that I passed.

It’s not like it’s unenforcable or anything like that. Because it most clearly immediately sentenced FireKitten to death!


Try m8

I’m not rewriting the whole thing to include them, so I Apologise. So instead…

There were logs belonging to the body of Fire - “I am going to be a good townie and help catch all the scum going to sit here and watch chaos unfold.”

The good part was suppose to be scratched out but whatever

Ici how you doing buddy :wink:

Looks like people do rise from the dead don’t they?

Oh Yay. Revenant.

did they add a rule where the Revenant can shitpost during the day and can I still vote FireKitten.


I can talk though

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Vote like that won’t work my dear old friend.

Great now we got to find their target

Wait, can he still talk even though he’s “dead”?