FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Start this trial…or not start this trial :thinking:

Wait, what?
What told you I’m not a neutral?!

If you are then what are you?

I’m asking you why I’m not a neutral.
I asked to be friends with you Litten…
I’ve not done that before, so should say something to you T-T

Also, I’m not claiming unless forced to

I’ll figure it out later.

Right now I am working on something.

Why you voting me?

you’re actually 100% right
why does Neutral pkr want to befriend Revenant Firekitten

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And yes my activity has been absolutely shit this game
I’ll scumhunt in a bit, promise

I’d be OK lynching PKR at this point tbh

I like neutrals

They are nice people :slight_smile:

So you are voting your top town read? Is that not scummy at all for you?

Tech is BD tho

What is this vote and leave mechanic! Vote and say why are you voting

How do you know?

Alright, I’m going on my ISO dive now.
Wish me luck.

/Vote PKR

No, please don’t :expressionless:
Let me actually do things

Why you voting Ryan catch me up coach?

They Claimed neut and have been generally useless

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