FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Thanks, Captain Obvious

I n e v e r w a s o n t h e w a g o n

I shouldā€™ve noticed that you demanded someone else voted someone without doing it yourself lol

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/Vote Sam


I found a new food to munch on

munchs pizza

Wolfy is self voting allowed I want Ici to lose his arrogance.

It isnā€™t

I asked about dat

is this actually going to be TWTBAW

Whatā€™s that?


Yeah ok this is classic AtE-based doesnā€™t really make sense under pressure Scum!Sam
/vote Sam

As I said before, I donā€™t do nemonics


Too wolfy to be a wolf

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Too scum to be a scum?


wait a minute
If hees too wolfy to be a wolfā€¦


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Essentially but Wolves > Scum

Sam, you say you were against Poisonā€™s lynch, but why did you ping someone to vote instead of you :thinking:

Iā€™m confused now lol