FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

So rite now the dead say I am evil


Being a ghost with no voting power is sad

WHAT INJustice is this? Have we not given ghost the power to vote yet!

We vote your soulmate instead, howā€™s that?

No no no

Thatā€™s very rude

Can you tell us your soul mate, we wonā€™t hurt them :slight_smile:

You promise?

I feel as if you are lying

itā€™s all on reactions.

So what you are saying is

I should tell you my soul mate

We donā€™t know if theyā€™re scum or not

Yes but if they are

You going to vote them ;( your evil!

You may not admit it, but fifteen other players including yourself will figure out eventually and when youā€™re forced to switch into new one temporarily, the game is over for you.

Thatā€™s how stuff gets done

Hey wolfy want to tell them the good news!

They can figure it out later

weā€™d actually be down to help you if you let us know who youā€™d bind to
like at the very least you wonā€™t be top priority anymore

You know I would love to believe you

Just I really canā€™t tbh

you donā€™t need to believe me, just look at the logic
nk with 1 kpn tied to bd is much lower priority than scum that can change alignment

Just forgot I am here tbh

For now yes, but you will Haunt somebody eventually but once we find your soulmate - itā€™s over.