FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I got u fam

Just because the threads open, doesnā€™t mean you can post yet. Chill out, as you all have an extra half hour~


The birds began to sing as the warmth of the sun entered the halls of the castle.

There have been no deaths last night

Despite the sun, a chill was felt in the Court. (The Revenant is still alive)

It is now Day 4.

Day 4 will end on Saturday 19th at 8:30pm BST (3:40pm CST). You may now post!

Offiial countdown

/Vote Frost

Can we Lynch this today plz

well fuck my ass, Sam somehow flipped town. How the hell anyone would demand that Cheesy voted someone instead of him even if it was a test is still ridiculous, you couldā€™ve ordered him to vote, i dunno, someone who wasnā€™t the main wagon.

Also, Sam, pro tip: Donā€™t give up into a mindless bout of AtE when on the stand instead of, i dunno, actually staying calm and defending yourself.

And no, Iā€™m not going to stop trying to scum-read. Youā€™re all free to ignore me, but Iā€™d rather die than not play the game.

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Btw i healed insianity dnr


Tech, Insanitty was never getting attacked tonight.
What I find intruiging is that thereā€™s been no Irreverent killā€¦

Mthe, did you block it?

So I bombed braxien, heā€™s immuneā€¦
/Vote Braxien

Nope :stuck_out_tongue:

I know they werent i said dnr

/vote brax


Hold your vote, Fire just swapped who theyā€™re bound to.

Totally you caught me

I see where our allegiances lies my friend

Let us stop and stay calm everyone.
Fire, Iā€™m still here for you <3
We need to wait for people to post results.

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