FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

OK, I feel like making a spicy vote.

/Vote Captain Nerbins

Give me a reason to unvote - go

Scum team
Mth (alch working for scum)

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Almost as ifā€¦ I thought the wagon wasā€¦ going too fast?

ā€¦ You what?

Yeah, itā€™s fine. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s sus, but I wasnā€™t misremembering what happened either

Did anyone visit PKR last night or moleland or frost?

Mole claims jailed, and I can confirm.

Honestly, when Brax makes this little sense, itā€™s probably a town tell

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Jailed last night?

No, jailed Friday night.

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Oh so he was jailed during the day eh?

I have no clue why Braxien was immune :man_shrugging:
Maybe Devout King siding with nk?

So that he guarded braxien but to mislynch he said he guarded insanity so that we would mislynch? Or Brax lied about being jailed n1 which is unlikely

I did not guard anyone last night.

I never claimed to gaurd anyone last night. Imo there would be little point since Cult would USUALLY not kill.

Mole claimed imprisoned?
Wham, are you thinking what I am thinking?
You never directly answered @Whammerist did you sleep peacefully?

I canā€™t be the only one who thinks that this Mthe bomb is far too suspicious and unnatural, by the way.
Iā€™m also currently getting confirmation of when Revenant changes who theyā€™re bound to: Before or after the flip

On the other hand, Brakuren is being awfully defensiveā€¦ If BD was bound to a Revenant, they firstly wouldnā€™t know (If Iā€™m correct) and would actually want to die to flush the NK out

Brakurenā€™s honestly back to null for me, he previously was pretty townie but their respoonse to this push on them has hoonestly been pretty bad.

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@Wolfy a clarification about how revenant works would be appreciated.