FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

So you would rather be “proven” And let revenant change bounds than getting revenant + scum :thinking:

Fair point i was to focused on that

/vote braxian

Hope we have another cw i was to focused on proving myself i forgot about the nk

Plus if anything happens to me it shows a drunk or a butler has been converted

Voted Voters Count/Majority
Braxien MtheJoker, Icibalus, Moleland, Insanity, Techwolves 6/7
Moleland Braixen 1/7

@Sam17z or @Frostwolf103 or @PokemonKidRyan come hammer this scum + revenant bound

Sam’s fucking dead lol

Also, I’m trying to work things out. Please be patient T-T

@Wolfy please update the OP with Sam dead thanks

You wot? :thinking:

Totally was here all the time :roll_eyes:

OW beneath the op missed it :stuck_out_tongue:

/vote Braixen

I’ll do it for Sam

Sam is salty btw

Wish I can help him by throwing into the dead sea

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@Wolfy @Pug Braix is on trial

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@Braixen is now on trial.

You may post a defense

Uhhh I’m Male


Brakuren the Court Wizard

n1: Imprisioned (lol)

n2: Warding Moleland

n3: Warding PKR

D4: Pof Mole


Frost is most likely scum seeing as though there are my and poisoned scum reads with both agree on this, also frost may be MM or CL

Insanity nothing bad, but nothing good, I haven’t seen anything.

Ici is good

Scum Team


Mth (scum sided alch)

Insanity = bonded?

You may now vote for the accussed