FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Quite the irony isn’t? I remember when I voted you at D2 and Ici told me that pushing you was suspicious.

Now he’s the one who fell for it.

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Stop being idiots

It’s at night

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And get braix “FK’s bound” Tomorrow

No. The thing with whispers is that you would need to make the classes that can interecept them. This is why I think they have been removed at first as it would also be hard for the host to pass as many messages, even with limited whispers per day

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Moley, isn’t it possible that the latter part happened “You will be given a random target”

So what? It still happens AT NIGHT

Moleland I do appreciate you point out the flaw, but I have no reason to believe that force pardoning player that haven’t claimed until today is not good?

Wolfy now you are here, does boudning happen at night or start D2?

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Not so fast now.
Given a random target isn’t a targeting ability thus may work differently.

There was no need to force pardon, but it’s done now.

It happens at night. However, if things go wrong, then a suitable target will be generated!

If the revenant’s link is prevented - They will instead be given a random VALID Target.


If so… Then it’s fair enough Mole.
However, just because M has lied, they may still be BD and thus I refuse to vote them.
I guess they’d react the same here.

Valid targets are those that are not guarded by a merc nor jailed. AKA Anything that a revenant could successfully bind to.


You what mate?

Prince, start killing the neutral claims plz

Don’t be foolish.
BD have claimed Neut before.
So let’s not be hasty.
I think without question Prince kills Braixen tonight anyway

Are you claiming BD?

This is false!
There can be 4 total. NK and 3 others.
Fire is NK. M, Me and Brax can fit into the neut slots.
Can we not?

No, typical list is 1 NK, 2 Non-killing neutrals

It is possible! However there will be one slot remaining unclaimed which could be either random blue dragon or cult since Memsky/Tbone slot remains unflipped.

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