FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Wait, the graveyard says you’re dead.

Wait a minute. OH NO

mod errors

I’m the prince.

What’s ur class?

Yeah, I ain’t fallin’ for it, Rev.
I just read the graveyard.

The fact that you woulda fallen for it is funny

He’s Casper the friendly revenant…wait.

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You are literally one of the people who haven’t claimed, Nerbins. Well I haven’t either but I am active most of time - just that other FM and SFoL’s are taking the time here.

I feel I suffer from being too active

Image result for o rly


Actually, how many posts do you have so far?
Oh fuck off. 864?!


I’m trying :frowning:

/Vote nerbins
Havent claimen yet

Wolfy. The class that is almost impossible to get rid of. The class that has the potential to contribute nothing helpful to anyone. The class that basically means “Shitpost Here”…you gave it to Kitten.


I really want to be helpful

It’s just it goes against my goal

Image result for bullshit

It’s not

It’s just i wish I was a class that wasn’t outted as NK. I just wanted to be helpful

And I gave my reasoning why.

I’ll try not to post as much next game :frowning:

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Ima actually try to be helpful next game I promise. It’s just hard to be helpful this game because of what I got.

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