FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)


Stays the same. Remember what I said to Sam about Noble?

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Can we not hammer that guy since Braixen lied about his actions and is immune to Emerald Potion by MtheJoker?

Seriously, this goes way too fast to my liking

I appreciate the names who voted

Doing quick votes as Iā€™m kinda busy with school work, specially with photography exam next week.

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Okay @Icibalus what the hell, you expect to believe Braixen about his ice-ward action that didnā€™t happen - heā€™s Scorned and not Court Wizard for christ sake. Pardon this.

What happen to the ā€œScornedā€ theory, Icibalus? I canā€™t believe you force pardoned Scorned but this is going too far!

i literally fucking voted execute before that happened
jesus christ frost do you think I can predict the future

Of course not, sheesh.

Frost, did you or did you not visit Mole N2?

I did not, but that doesnā€™t mean Braixen is telling the truth here because one: Heā€™s immune to MtheJokerā€™s Emerald Potion and he claims Court Wizard that no one protected him except maybe Firekitten.

have Braixen send his logs as well? I need to check it.

I donā€™t see Mthejoker yolobombing Braix, like I said
But the problem is that Nerbinā€™s reaction is not that of ā€˜Iā€™m town and Iā€™m being pushed by scornedā€™ itā€™s ā€˜Iā€™m scum and Iā€™m being pushed by townā€™

So therefore Occamā€™s Razorā„¢ forces me to conclude that this is scum and Mthejoker should be executed by Prince tonight

That is literally my reaction every fucking game Iā€™m town.

Read the last game I was knight.

Ok here it is.


can you try to like
post a scenario where youā€™re theoretically town

The good news is that if this flips town Braixen is confirmed scum
boy I do love me some self-resolving TvS from this game

Okay. Itā€™s called FoLT Game 1.

You are going to flip coins?