FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Mind placing an honorary vote on our local scum Squid?


Iā€™m not allowed to vote :frowning:

Oh Iā€™ll show you scum
/vote Whammerist



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I mean yeah thanks you indeed did rof

Youā€™ll see :slight_smile:

Play style

How can I improve on this when I have no way to do so when I am outted as nkā€¦

So can I do vote count since I am trying to be useful

Is this Fool?

Nah Iā€™ll just watch

Anyone have any ideas on how to improve my play style?

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Assuming maintaining your criminally large post count is nonnegotiable, be more inquisitive and try and get information out of others rather than just talking about nothing at all.

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This class seemed fun at first. Everyone knowing your scum and canā€™t do anything about that unless killing your target.

But then you realize. You canā€™t scum hunt. You canā€™t death tunnel someone cause you have no vote.

You shot your self in the foot, ngl


I have no foot I am a ghost.



Did you not read my class card?

Do not post on this thread if you are not a player. Only warning.


How dare you vote God

No OMGUS please.


Do yā€™all like pizza?

Itā€™s literally scum though
I asked for this top 3 town reads, and he gave me himself, PKR, and someone who isnā€™t even in this game
heā€™s not town motivated in the slightest