FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

C o n v e r s i o n ??? OwO

Never heard of it

stop being so stupid and vote either Mthejoker, Cheesy or PKR. I will actualy give out free townreads to anyone who does because idc anymore


This game is stupid on so many levels for me

I didnt know links could be prevented, like on N3 with Mole

@Whammerist there are many better exes then my rn
PKR for instance

Frost is prolly cult leader btw

It just
triggers me at this point

And I never got to know why I was prevented oof

Well the possible outcomes , not the actual reason.

I was jailedā€¦

Telepathy now

_Shadow of the Lowlands leading to the cold and dark days, _
_Without any hope, without a light for long _
_Will the suffering ever come to an end? _
(Come to an endā€¦)
_Will the suffering ever come to an endā€¦ oneā€¦ day? _
_ _
_Brightness keeps us strong today, glory will be with us _
_Now the time has come to fight and seize the day _
_(Brightness keeps us strong today, glory will be with us) _
_ Suddenly a gleam of hope _
_Can you feel the power of faith? _
On our native land, here we stand, as one


wot lad?

Shadows of the lowland
Leading to the cold and darkened days
Without any hope, Without a light for long?
Will this suffering, suffering, ever come to an end? (an end, an end)
One day~ (one day~)

(even so, even so, even so, even so~)

Pride keeps us strong today,
_Glory will be with us, _
Now the time has come
_To fight and seize the day. _

_When will our prayers be heard, _
High up in the sky above
Soon fate will show us the place
_where we belong. _

_Suddenly a gleam of dawnā€¦ _
_Can you feel the power of faith? _
Our native land, here we stand as oneā€¦

wot lad?x2

idc iā€™'m just going to post song lyrics until you guys realise you are hurting my intelligence on a spiritual level


Alright guys hurt it moar

/vote Pug

seems scummy tbh lets get his logs

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I swore link goes through jails

Our eternal land is keeping us in warm embrace
Some must carry our cause we know
And some must face the dark
Itā€™s in Fatherā€™s wishes we live
Let us come together
We must never give up

Let those people see
Guide the ones who cannot hear
Voices guide us through
Words from above, we are the chosen ones

We are softly
Hear us weeping
Safely at our hearts we
Sleep in silence
Weā€™re not fearing
I wonā€™t feel sad, while I just mind
Guardian angels they too will keep us safe.

The path we chose is cold and the dark has no place to dream
Must we go on?
Will we ever prevail and smile in peace?