FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

What do you mean come up with an observer claim?
It’s my legit class so that’s why I claimed it.
Especially with forgetting my day ability.
I will be performing it now

Yeah but why did you say I didn’t inno you or anything?

Didn’t I confirm you?

And it will be much simpler if I heal Whamm, who do you really need at this situation.

You voted the paladin clearly scum.

Voted Voters Count/Majority
CheesyKnives Sam17z, Moleland, Insanity, Icibagel, Frostwolf103 6/6
Icibagel MtheJoker 1/6
PokemonKidRyan Whammerist 1/6
Frostwolf Cheesy 1/6

@CheesyKnives you are now on trial lol

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Did cheesy just vote himself?

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Oops its frost I’m dumb

Did you ignore all the past conversation we had? I voted him under the grounds on that I thought he was lying about not receiving a link.
For the love of god let me prove myself tonight.
Get some observers on me , put some healers on wham , who I’m gonna link.
Just for crying out loud just. LET. ME.LINK.
After a combination of shit like this I can’t take it anymore honestly.
Occupy me or something even.
Just let me link Whammer.



Voted Voters Count/Majority
Execute Insanity, Icibalus, Moleland 3/6
Pardon MtheJoker 1/6
Abstain N/A


@Whammerist jail frost again plz and sexecute him imo


Urgh… I think I’ll execute this, I don’t want any Mindwarps here…

I’m telling y’all this is bd

First of all guys, how do the 2 inno results make sense? Mindwarp? Are we sure?
Also, I hadn’t done my ability. I told you not to hammer.
I was out with Wolfy.

  1. If he’s scum, he['s Apostle and he has mindwarp
  2. Ritualist is a thing

You hammered to push to trial before I could do my day ability.
Would it be possible to pardon and then vote back up or ?
If not then it’s just another day of me disappointing :expressionless:

@Whammerist ici wants you to exe frost.


I explain myself , and then you all suddenly think its bs again without explaning why.
This is genuinely frustrating.

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