FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Cheesy - Dead and will flip Mystic
I am observer and confirmed night 1 at minimum.
Mole is Cult Priest
Sam is puppet
Wham is Prince
M is scorned
Insanity is Paladin
Ici is BD(?) King
Fire is NK.

This leaves only 1 slot. You are CONFIRMED CL

Link me Iā€™m confirmed not Cult

As i have now proven Frost as beyond a shadow of a doubt CL.
I ask that my plan is followed

Stop lying you cult leader, you make big mistake by claiming Neutral.

So Frost.
Wanna concede now?
Iā€™ve proven that you have to be CL.
With no exceptions.
Your cult duo are being invested too
Thatā€™s if people will follow my bulletproof plan

I know what you actually going to do.

Disguise me as Cult Leader.

Wouldnā€™t be able to.
CL cannot disguise someone while on trial.
Only Prince, King and Revenant can act~

@Whammerist Donā€™t jail me and let me handle PKR, I doubt he can kill me unless you jail either Moleland or Sam for being Ritualist who bypass my stoneskin potion.

Yes, I am actually the Alchemist.

No I am

@Marluxion thats majority please lock for now until Wolf can get on. Iā€™m sure he can message you but this is to prevent further chat

@Insanity check Mole. Please donā€™t let us down
@Icibalus protect Insanity with no exceptions
@Whammerist execute Frost

NO PLz whyy :<

1 Like

Cheesy has reached majority. As Iā€™m currently out I wonā€™t be able to flip till I get back. Stop posting till a mod can lock this. (I will edit here the flip). Any more and you be modkilled (and this includes you Litten).

@Marluxion, could you lock this and delete the posts after PKRā€™s hammer)


CheesyKnives has been found guilty before the Crown and was executed on the spot.

He wasā€¦

The Mystic

Day 7 will begin on Wednesday 30th at 5pm BST (3pm CST)

(Graveyard will be updated and titles as well as timestamps will be updated in the OP when Iā€™m back home.)


Nobody post just opening this so Wolfy can start the day when heā€™s ready

also what the fuck are these 3 day nights


The sound of the rooster could be heard among the open windows. The scent of fresh flowers began to waft through the court, until the guards brought a body to the hall, which then tinged the air with bloodā€¦

Frostwolf has died last night. He wasā€¦

The Cult Leader

A cold chill suddenly wafted through the hall (the Revenant is still within the living)

Day will end on Saturday 3rd June at 5:30pm BST (10:00am CST). YOU MAY NOW BEGIN THE DAY!

Official Countdown

I confirm Moleland as BD due to the fact that he was unable to visit.
If he was able to visit then he would have been the last cult.
This also confirms Sam and means there is only 1 remaining possibility!

Vote Icibalus
@Whammerist imprison me tonight jic as everyone else is confirmed

There were logs on the body (sorry to have forgotten them)ā€¦


Frostwolf103 the Alchemist - Logs

D1 4/4 potions
N1 Braixen - Prevented
D2 4/4 potions (First Use)
N2 Whammerist - DNR
D3 3/4 potions
N3 Whammerist - DNR
D4 3/4 potions (Second Use)
N4 Whammerist - DNR
D5 2/4 potions (Third Use)
N5 Jailed
D6 1/4 potions (Last Use)
N6 Jailed

If you are reading this, that means I lost my game as Neutral Alchemist - PokemonKidRyan is the real Cult leader I guarantee this. Ignoring this means Cult will be victorious because itā€™s Lynch or Lose situation tomorrow. The only remaining convertibles are Moleland and Sam.

Pkr could still be cult, but heā€™s the only possibility. We are needing to do a bonfire to try and kill the revenant anyway.