FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I mean, we could do that, but rev could be in joker too

Actually, no. @wolfy. 7 people are ALIVE. That means joker is on trial.

Ici is not BD, heā€™s randomly accusing everyone.
Also, Ici. Wrong.

If 7 alive, 4 votes needed.
Thereā€™s only 3. Nice try

There are 8 alive

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Mole, is this really a coin flip?
Can you seriously see Ici flipping BD king at all here?
I cannot and if he does, I will withdraw from this tournament he is that obvious devout to me

Me, PKR, Moleland, Whammerist, Insanity, Mthejoker, sam.

Thatā€™s 7!

Not 8. FIrekitten is not alive.

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Iā€™m alive

So Mthejoker is on trial.

@Moleland I understand about you not wanting to mislynch.
However Ici said youā€™re scum and I am scum.
Which is impossible as we have both proven

Again, 4 votes needed if 7 alive. So nice try

Bitchā€¦ I have a doublevote.

no wait shit lol okay I give up

You, you, Mole = 3 votes.
Not 4 <3

Fine, PKRā€¦ You got me.

Why is FoL so shittily balanced compared to ToL, the world may never know.

@Wolfy this is fine, I have no way of avoidnig being lynched here, and honestly idc anymore

@Wolfy since Ici has essentially conceded, if Fire is in Ici and cannot bound to someone else, itā€™s game over

/vote Icibalus

Good job, PKR. Maybe next time, the game wonā€™t solve itself for you!

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What do you mean game solve itself?
This game didnā€™t, it could have been that you was BD (And we were just looking for fire)
It was your reactions that gave you away

Is this what you wanted, PKR? An easy as fuck game?

I managed to get 4 mislynches off! I distracted town for the entire game!
And what did I get for it? Probably an instant loss!

I guess we vote Ici then :stuck_out_tongue:
/Vote Ici I mean,if heā€™s gonna confess and allā€¦

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