FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

*hasnt won yet

Weā€™re voting Devout King and youā€™re in him.
Thatā€™s a pretty secured victory


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I knew a package that was pretty secured

Didnā€™t stop it from falling off a truck

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@Whammerist @Insanity get your asses on here and vote Icibagel.
Heā€™s devout King and Fire is in him.
Ici even admitted to being Devout.

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No sleep!

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Rev is so hard to beat as Town though


@PokemonKidRyan how did you confirm moleland?

Simple, I followed him.
He didnā€™t visit thus he is true Priest.
Confirming you too.

Furthermore, before you doubt me. Ici literally claimed Devout King so letā€™s not go thereā€¦

@Insanity I dont feel bad calling Ici an idiot anymore. Clearly his self-esteem is in good shape and I wont think twice about my desicions next time. Also that your scum reader is whack. I will not think twice about not believing Iciā€™s scum reads anymore. 99.9% that I was scum right, clearly I flipped scum. You contradicted yourself, I could quote a time where you said I was lock town and another where you wanted to lynch me.

Also the mislyches are irrelevant because itā€™s a rev game and they always come down to lynching at random anyway.

yup majority is 4 here with 7 living

Mister pug I hate to inform you but I actually count as a player is what wolfy said

Itā€™s 5 I think

Yeah but you cant vote lol so 7 alive 4 = majority

I canā€™t vote

But I take up as vote spot

No you dont


Let me find that quote

May you do I VC please?


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I need to read throygh