FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)


It wasnā€™t fair fight after all.

You think Iā€™d have pushed Ici so flipping hard if I was fool?
Yeah, no.
Iā€™d have embraced the mislynch on me.
I was observer.
Seems I had truly tricked Cult into avoiding converting me. Lul

Nah mate, you didnā€™t.

Are you saying you would convert someone you thought of as fool?
Yeah, clearly not. So my point stands :stuck_out_tongue:

You brought this ā€œoops it wasnā€™t N2 I meant N3ā€ thing and I confirmed you.

Besides I wasnā€™t suppose to be cult leader after Memesky got modkilled.

Well. I forgot I was imprisoned since it wasnā€™t said in my main class thread.
So was an easy mistake.
Request to hosts, next time donā€™t do imprison separately :expressionless:


The game was bad since the cult didnā€™t even try so I got converted to losing side and you would be surprised how long I held out.

(Nah thatā€™s twice I held out as scum, Demonā€™s first)


I had to zoom out just to see the thread in which I was imprisoned.
So this proves my point that Iā€™d have forgotten and that my idea should be implemented.

Also, Frostā€¦ Ermmmā€¦ We really didnā€™t care tbh lul. We were just trying to get people down to PoE stage. Worked out perfectly too in the end with Fire jumping (Iā€™d guess from you) into Cult King

I was wishing to end my suffering.

Tbone was returned from vacation and is about to get the slot until Wolfy modkilled it, apparently I discussed this with Pug and little to Wolfy.

I was not happy, PKR. I donā€™t like FoL game this bad.

Mistakes happens and we learn from it, we move on.

Alright Frostā€¦
I mean I can agree that you shouldnā€™t have been CL but you wouldā€™ve only had Nerbins for a very short time as CL before anything else and may I askā€¦
Who did Nerbins suggest converting? Also, why tf did you go Wham two nights in a row?
You might have got converted but it was only due to your decisions that you lost.
If youā€™d have gotten Mole, it would have been a different story

If I wasnā€™t jailed, I would visit Whamm again and pick random convertible player.

Therefor reinforcing my physician claim.

Seriously? Youā€™d waste 3 nights just to get off a single convert?
This proves why you lost Frost.
Thatā€™s a really bad idea.
Especially since nobody was observing (I wasnā€™t) on you.
It means you could easily be lying and that your case wouldā€™ve made no difference as weā€™d have no reason to believe you.

You did saw me visiting Whamm once.

And no I havenā€™t lied, not my fault you didnā€™t watch the prince long enough either.

Oh and that rupture by accident? Yeahā€¦

Why would I watch Prince instead of seeing who a logical CL would actually go for as a convert? :expressionless:
It still makes 0 sense to waste 3 nights just for a single convert and to be able to claim youā€™re confirmed.
In fact, people may have actually accused you for this specific reason.
Ici was known to have been on Wham, so your claim makes no sense.

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