FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Sam feels like incorrect town rather than scum to me. Frostwolf I agree on.


Scumteam is the Unseen/Cult.


I personally am suspisous of a person that isnā€™t sam but if I reveal them then I probably wouldnā€™t get good info from scumreads

So as a result I put sam there as a placeholder

so what youā€™re saying is that you have only one actual scumread and the other person you are instead not going to pressure forā€¦ some reason?

Imo pressure makes reads more accurate in general.

Tell me

**MURDER :dagger: **

I donā€™'t see how withholding a strong enough scumread like that could possibly make your reads more accurate.

Btw I am sheriff

Checked frost he came up as unseen

Get em :wink:

I donā€™t think that they will see the pressure seeing as though they have barely posted

I am not disappointed that itā€™s interesting theory that I may be the soulmate

So technically yes, the soulmate is the NK - a link between the void and the living world.

Mhm you get the idea.

Pressure is literally the only way to make lowposters post, and thus actually be readable.
Just saying. Iā€™m geussing itā€™s probably someone among those who popped in to vote up Squid then popped out.

Braixen town btw

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now if you were to go off of that being another reason to pressure them iā€™ll say this
some people are not willing to be pressured by people calling them out
and if you were to say that this person is one of them I would say
neither I or you will probably truly know if they are scum unless they become more active
in order to understand if they are who I think they are
tiny bits of clues would have to be given
you may people able to do this if you first see my clue

And frost proves again why he is scum



I want to facepalm.

The classic method is to vote them. People tend to panic when voted, and honestly thatā€™s your best option.
either that or call their name out and hope people check them.