FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I wish I had a merc tbh

I defended myself a while ago, but for your amusement, I shall say it again

A merc would be lovely

@Wolfy what happens if I have a merc?

I am a Noble that has nullified Cheesyā€™s votes (Which is confirmed btw) and Iā€™m being accused of being scum despite there being no proof

And no, I canā€™t scumread cause Iā€™m still a newbie I donā€™t know how to do it yet :confused:

Teach us how to scum read guys!


If youā€™d like to genuinely learn about FM, Iā€™m willing to help you quit looking like scum in the future.

Things like this:

And this:

Are considered classic scumtells, and make you look bad
However your genuine frustrations at this lynch make me think you could actually be BD Noble rn
Almost to the point where Iā€™m considering a CFD (Chinese Fire Drill, a quick swapping of votes) onto like Frost or M

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@PoisonedSquid But thatā€™s where the RVS comes from, Random Voting Stage (or something) to test your reactions.

You have given reads and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if 6 players voted me and I am on trial with your vote on me as well.

Consider this however, I do not know who the prince is - but I know the content behind it first night,

Thanks :wink:

I didnā€™t even know what a RVS stage, but Iā€™m glad Iā€™m told this now

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Random voting session

Right yes, itā€™s basically voting you without evidence and itā€™s more about the voters than you and you give bonus points in defending yourself well.

quit saying this itā€™s actually so stupid and you know it lol

It wasnā€™t my fault, itā€™s Braixenā€™s.



I never liked salt popcorn, but can you give me handful?

Can people on trial have popcorn?



if youā€™re town I really suggest you reconsider like
everything about your play style

What do you think of mine?