FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Hm well im getting town reads from poison tbh

What about me?

Fireā€¦ your confirmer nk

Wut no?

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Found out that Kingā€™s passive does not apply for trial votes.

Now, Iā€™m likely gonna go bed cuz school later today. Good luck I guess





Oh my god it is insanity talking gasp



@Wolfy Poison shouldā€™ve flipped you cuck, trials are plurality after 24 hours lmao

So in that case, Iā€™m going to have to take matters into my own hands sigh

Actually no. Iā€™m not going to be an idiot and decide fate.


This image is an official statement by the Marlderator himself.
If you will notice the opton beneath it, it clearly states that Poison will be executed at the end of this trial

I can confirm this is the case. Trials end after 24h, and if there are more executes than pardons the player is hung.

Majority is just used to cut a trial short, Itā€™s not a requirement for execution.

I always thought it was majority and plurality took now effect. tableflips

Flip incoming

Well Icibalus, who are you going to put on trial next day?

@PoisonedSquid has been found guilty and has been executed. They wereā€¦

The Noble

It is now Night 2. Day 3 will begin Thursday 10th at 6:00pm BST (1:00pm CST)

@Marluxion, the honours if you please.

Official countdown

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This topic was automatically opened after 2 days.

The sun has risen up and everyone still alive made it to the great hall. All except oneā€¦

Rogue has been killed. They wereā€¦

The Hunter

Accusation went flying around, until the King roared at them to stop. It was time for a new day of trials and deliberations.

A chill brushed through the court. The Revanant, is still among the livingā€¦

Day 3 has now begun. The day will end on Monday 14th at 6:50pm BST (1:50pm CST).

Official countdown