FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)


He tried murdering a pokemon. So I spooked him. Not my fault he is prone to heart attacks.

Iā€™m a GUD ghost.

But my rules are for no death.

1.Dont get spooked
2.Dont kill pokemon

The best thing to do right now is vote


Cries over no one talking to the lonely ghost

Stop talking to FireKitten. He literally dosenā€™t share our allignment to him and every single time you talk to him heā€™ll just clog up discussions and spam the thread more.

Now, as I was saying thereā€™s at least one scum among Moleland, Mthejoker and Techwolves.
In my mind, itā€™s probably best to vote Mthejoker here.

/vote Mthejoker.

Thatā€™s rude.

I CAN CARE LESSS ABOUT YOU THINKING I DONT SHARE YOUR ā€œaligmentā€ I just want someone to talk to

honestly I know that Revenant is cool but secretly bad but I seriously want to acctutally get on with the game. Weā€™re not going to listen to you if all you do is spam irellevant memes, and we have not advanced the game in 13 hours because of that.

Well i been trying to help.

(Just no one trust the spooky ghost)

Then who among the 3 Iā€™ve named is the scummiest?

Iā€™ll sit in my corner then


Techwolvesā€™s progression is really bad and scummy honestly, I really donā€™t like their ISO here.

What if they are all scum :open_mouth:


Anyway bye

> I want to contribute
> When asked two, posts a dumb meme tinfoil then leaves


Why did I even bohter. The questionā€™s open for anyone, by the way.

I would love to contribute though

@Icibalus this seems scummy

I told you we were dealing with unseen. :man_facepalming:


Current Vote count:

MtheJoker - Icibalus (2/8)

With 14 alive, the majority today is 8

Ill claim if requested like not much has been said but if i was scum why would i pardon the noble