FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I’m not planning on claiming yet.
But let’s just say friends are always good to have :wink:
I’m trying to work out how to prove myself… Or if I want to.
As I’m leaning cult game here if I had to make a guess.
Too few kills

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No I don’t like hias

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What about a ghost fish?

Am I the only one who’s really disturbed by the amount of flufifng in-thread compared to yesterday?


Take a random snippet of posts from today and it’ll contain nowhere near as many posts with content as yesterday’s.


Something called life

I think scum are trying to lie low after the poison lynch honestly, which only proves that it was a succsessful info lynch.

I find scum tend to lose a lot of motivation after a BD lynch that they directly participated in making because it feels to them like they’re going to be caught from it.

Thoughts on that?

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Sounds like a good theory


Like for example in Purgatory after I deathtunneled Frost I lost a lot of my motivation to play the game and basically just slanked and let the rest of my scumteam win for me

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Who u think is bad?

Mthejoker 100%, but I have my suspcioons about Frost too

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Congrats on finding the scum team.

Who do you think they converted?

Actually, not 100%. But I think that Mthejoker is probably scum.

Is that so? I think Siege on Xed had taken priority but anyway, that Firekitten want me dead takes me off from soulmate suspicion for sure, if he wasn’t so confident about me I would gladly take the lynch just to kill the revenant.

What else do you base your suspicions?

That’s not how it works.

I could still be Bound to you :wink:

I don’t trust in your reverse-psychology or whatever.

I don’t trust in your not trusting me.

Piss off, ghost!