FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

sheep I say!

Hah lol.

Frostā€™s behaviour is disturbing me in general but Iā€™m not certain heā€™s scum here. His actions can seem to be clearly antitown as town quite often.

No vote


I didnā€™t have M as non-killer neutral on my list so.

He often says things which have confusing wording that make him seem like scum, and when you think about what heā€™s actually trying to say thereā€™s not tha tmuch scumm motivation.

Iā€™m not saying heā€™s town btw, he can act scummy as either allignment, Iā€™m jsut saying heā€™s not a good vote rn

Also reading for specific roles is still dumb and bad

/Presses abstain repeatly

Oh thatā€™s right, he claimed that today and I have forgotten about it.

Frost is scum.

Lynch me if I am wrong :wink:

With that:

/vote Techwolves

Iā€™m leaning town on Moleland here and Mthejoker is neutral, so out of the 3 scummy voters this is the best choice for a vote.

Thanks for making it double-clear I am not your soulmate.


Thats still NOT HOW IT WORKS

Donā€™t care, I believe whatever I want :wink:

I could be pushing you right now and bound my self to you.

But you wonā€™t survive the encounter, so nice try.


Talking about Revenant is dumb and bad until Unseen/Cult are out of the way


We can safely assume that Unseen/Cult are going to try and take out the Revenant as their main rival, so we donā€™t have to worry about them.
