FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

It’s realyl distrubing me how quickly wagons are forming here, and it dosen’t bode well for the wagoners…
On the other hand, Frost has been consistently scummy throughout the game, so I feel comfortable voting him.

/vote Frost

I love how Moleland immediately unvotes after yours.

Secondly I haven’t been scummy, not in my part I have seen. Care to elaborate?

I’m supposed to keep a vote on the paladin?

/Vote Frosty the Snowman

The fact I didn’t vote Insanity while I was online says something about me.

That you knew he was BD? :thinking:

Oh and you already voted me, scum vibes detected.

Nah just kidding, it changed right after the vote count.

I was moving my vote back to where it has been most of the day, lel

No because I wasn’'t focused on Insanity and I know there must be at least one scum voter that switched from TechWolves to Insanity. Sam, MtheJoker, You (Moleland) and Techwolves.

Do you have rebuttal you are not opportunist?

I never voted Tech

Because you knew he’s BD? He claims Physician but his actions are quite sketchy.

While Phys is a hard claim to prove, it is possible. What’s more important is how certain Tech is that he will be proven. It reeks to me of BD, especially since Insanity’s claim takes out the possibility of Herbalist

Then it’s Cult game apparently.


Very well, this make sense to me.

wow a paladin claim and you somehow magically infer it’s a cult game tell us more oh wise one

What’s more important is that I think it’s entirely possible that Mthejoker random bombed N1 and hit FireKitten.


He did made logs he healed me twice so if this is possibly the cult game that means Sam is correct that they haven’t brainwashed at N1.

Or we have second alchemist that did not reveal themselves, that’s two options I can think off.

Also, why me = fry me, Frostwolf. I’m voting you for your consistent scummy behavior throughout the game.

I am quite paranoid about people’s behaviour myself, King Icibalus. I am contributing the discussions here (with bit of distraction to clear my mind)