FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

That was a softclaim Ici.
How so?

I’ll keep my lips tight, but it indicates something about your role to me.

I’m heading off to bed so no votes from me till im up

Nice agleshooting btw Braixen

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I’m gonna say this…
What you’re thinking and the aspect I was coming from are two different things
If I’m understanding you correctly Ici

Angleshooting, throwing shade and also PR fishing. Wow that post’s ew

^^ Talking about Braixen btw

Voted Voters Count/Majority
Frostwolf Moleland 1/8
Samuel Icibagel, Frostwolf 3/8
techwolves Braixen, :b:nsanity 2/8
:b:nsanity Samuel, MtheJoker 2/8

Wow talking about bagels.

anyway, I’m here now.

Soooo, update your votes and I’ll be your VC Slave

@PokemonKidRyan who’s your top 3 townreads and your top 3 scurmeads?

Btw, people should stop putting who they’d kill and who they’d convert in there, because it’s bascialyly telling teh NK and Cult who not to kill

Ici I didn’t yolo bomb FK n1

So it’s or another alch or unseen game and insanity is lying

May you give me a reason that you think I’m lying?

Insanity lied about Paladin claim?

I didn’t bomb FK, so it’s unseen game

She lied or another alch Witch is very unlikely

But Insanity said he’s Paladin so unless the sheriff is going to counterclaim the paladin - it can’t be unseen game.

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Did I sounds like a “She”?

Sorry again :frowning: