FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Yes that make sense because you cannot be Revenant at N1 which you don’t have target that is bounded.

So…you are right.


So braix is still bound… GJ ICI

WHICH means that Revenant original bind happens Day 2 start.
Making Braixen’s alibi Phoenix Wright pose Disappear

Ici is devout King probably, vote him

Quite the irony isn’t? I remember when I voted you at D2 and Ici told me that pushing you was suspicious.

Now he’s the one who fell for it.

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Stop being idiots

It’s at night

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And get braix “FK’s bound” Tomorrow

No. The thing with whispers is that you would need to make the classes that can interecept them. This is why I think they have been removed at first as it would also be hard for the host to pass as many messages, even with limited whispers per day

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Moley, isn’t it possible that the latter part happened “You will be given a random target”

So what? It still happens AT NIGHT

Moleland I do appreciate you point out the flaw, but I have no reason to believe that force pardoning player that haven’t claimed until today is not good?

Wolfy now you are here, does boudning happen at night or start D2?

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Not so fast now.
Given a random target isn’t a targeting ability thus may work differently.

There was no need to force pardon, but it’s done now.

It happens at night. However, if things go wrong, then a suitable target will be generated!

If the revenant’s link is prevented - They will instead be given a random VALID Target.


If so… Then it’s fair enough Mole.
However, just because M has lied, they may still be BD and thus I refuse to vote them.
I guess they’d react the same here.

Valid targets are those that are not guarded by a merc nor jailed. AKA Anything that a revenant could successfully bind to.


You what mate?

Prince, start killing the neutral claims plz

Don’t be foolish.
BD have claimed Neut before.
So let’s not be hasty.
I think without question Prince kills Braixen tonight anyway