For if you are gone for long periods of time

good kai good kai
when you return whoever will be there will welcome you with open arms, I hope

wait what the fuck is all the old gaurd being killed off
am i soon going to be the only one left

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what about frostwolf

apathy and certain events will do that

Iā€™m glad youā€™re focusing on your health, Kai. I wish you a well journey

kai please donā€™t leave me alone with all the hippolytuses
thereā€™s at least 4 copies of him around that I still havenā€™t gotten around to getting rid of thanks to some embarassing mistakes


iā€™ll be with you in spirit

but yeah, take care old acquiantance
til we meet again


Iā€™m a bit sad that you havenā€™t been able to respect any players here outside of the old guard. Regardless, all the best and hopefully you will recover with time.

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respect isnā€™t given, itā€™s earned
a few people here should learn that


Imma miss ya my dude. Easily one of my fastest friends. Keep in touch <3

Earning of respect should be based on care and effort, not necessarily immense time.
At least thatā€™s just my perspective.

oh im not talking about you
i donā€™t respect you but i do like you
respecting you is like the highest form on Platonic relationship i give out lol

Oh ty lol

I was going to say, I donā€™t believe everyone outside of the old guard here deserves to be disliked.

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:frowning: thought we were chill kai


Luxy got disrespected in this debate

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