For if you are gone for long periods of time

I think joining only smaller games would help to a degree there. I myself am also not going to join huge setups anymore unless I know I have the time to deal with them.

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Try to not join games with 20+ players, they are a huge commitment while not adding much (as a singular event, sure, but not regularly) imo.
Try if possible to find ways reducing the time investment and the stress while finding ways to have more fun

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Tbh you might be right

Itā€™s fine to stay and not join FM

Take me for example. Iā€™ve been here for two years but hadnā€™t played much Forum Mafia apart from a few horrendous one near the start.


On a side note may I interest you in roleplaying :eyes:

Nope haha
I have no interest in roleplaying that isnā€™t dice and session based
just donā€™t have the time for it

Three Colour Pencil Sharpeners


Shuri what in tree different coloured pencil sharpeners are you doing acting like someone with a brain like my effing toaster I am not disappointed in you but your fever better be one with following delirium or even my made up swear words wonā€™t be able to describe how much more I expected from you.

Speaking of tree coloured pencil sharpeners

Dama here. Gonna go poof again. Will probably return in New Year if nothing went wrong, earlier if it smoothly, or later if it goes wrong.

Shuri gets the RP Throne when Iā€™m gone. Toodles~


This is just a little something

Expect me to be around a lot less. Iā€™m struggling with something that needs a lot of time commitment to work through. If I disappear donā€™t worry, iā€™ll turn up sooner or later


Kai you will be always here in our :heart: s :rainbow_flag:


Good luck pal

You even made the ToS Halloween event so I expect to see you back as soon as youā€™re good man


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ok boomer

i forgot an i made an account on tos lmao

also if you want more details im focusing ons tudying to get my GED


okay Iā€™m actually bolting this time for real
I donā€™t get kicks out of playing FM anymore

Hosting I still enjoy, so Iā€™m probably still going to do that


Whether Iā€™m right or Iā€™m wrong, it rarely if ever matters
Because I just feel empty

Oh shit good luck

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Maybe try a new site and new people? Getting locked into one meta can make the game feel bad even if you wanna play

But if youā€™re sure the problem is the game not the community then take a break for as long as you need, even if thatā€™s forever - if itā€™s not fun, itā€™s not worth it

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